
Cowslip Gijinka Design from Pokemon

Why Ninetails?

Like most kids growing up, I had a Pokemon phase. Ninetales is a Fire-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Vulpix when exposed to a Fire Stone. In Alola, Ninetales has a dual-type Ice/Fairy regional form. It evolves from Alolan Vulpix when exposed to an Ice Stone. Ninetails is considered to be very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1,000-year curse.

There is an elegance to Ninetails that I absolutely adore. In all of it's card art and even the anime, this Pokemon always has a regal and proper look to it, which I adore. My childhood favorite and I still love it to death.

First Debuted: Katsucon 2014

How It Was Made

The main choice of fabrics for this (outside of the tails) had to have texture. So I opted to use microsude so that is almost read as a short-trimmed fur. The bias tape trim was custom created from a yellow-ish gold brocade, which I thought was a really fun and extra detail.

The 'obi' was a trip and a half to pattern, but it was so worth it. I even created a custom back including a gold appliquéd pokeball. I then added a scattering of crystals throughout so it could have a little more sparkle.

The fur was a long pile fur that I custom dyed the tips of to add the gradient of the brown to the off-white fur.